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Year 7 Civics Week

In Week 3, Year 7s went to the city and visited lots of different places such as the museum, Planetarium, the Adelaide Gaol, the MOD museum and much more. This week was a replacement for Canberra, as sadly the COVID-19 situation restricted us from going. All of us had a fun time and learnt so much from the experience. We also went to the centre of democracy where we found out about who ran the government from the 1900s till now. We were also able to learn about the levels of government and protests through the years. Apart from learning about Australian government rules, we also learned about the history of famous landmarks like the Adelaide Oval and Gaol.

On the Thursday, we had the opportunity to learn about parliament at school by role playing and other activities that replicate what actually happens in a court room and when we vote.

Thank you to all the teachers who also made this week possible.

Laura Austin
Year 7 Pastoral Leader

Student Reflections:

"Civics week was a fun and enjoyable experience, and we all learnt a lot from it. Each day I learnt something new and exciting. I loved going to the Adelaide Zoo and planetarium because I learnt new things. Overall, it was a very great week." - April 7LBRO

"Civics week was a very fun experience, and we all learnt a lot. I loved spending time with my peers and talking to new people. I really liked the MOD museum and the Adelaide Gaol because I got to learn about the history of Adelaide and interact with the art. Overall it was a very fun alternative to Canberra and an amazing experience for us all." - Charlie 7JHEA

"Civics Week had some very enjoyable moments, that I will remember for many years to come. I really enjoyed collaborating with my group for all the activities that were set. I mainly liked the SA museum and the Adelaide Zoo because there was lots to do and we had some free choice while also learning very important things that will help us for upcoming tasks in school." - Stella 7LAUS