As you are aware, the Commissioner of Police, acting in his role as the State Coordinator responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, has announced the Emergency Management (Education and Early Childhood Settings Vaccination) (COVID-19) Direction 2021.
The Direction applies to all employees, OSHC providers, volunteers, parent helpers, contractors and service providers either engaged by the school or contracted to provide services to the school.
This Direction requires all individuals to receive at least 1 dose of a Therapeutic Goods Association approved COVID-19 vaccination and a booking to receive a second dose by 10 December 2021, except those who have a medical exemption endorsed by the Chief Public Health Officer.
A copy of the Direction can be found here.
We appreciate that this will be difficult news for some. However, throughout the COVID-19 pandemic Lutheran schools have always sought to follow the recommendations of the Government’s health officials. Lutheran schools also respect the Government’s rights to set requirements on people who interact with vulnerable members of the community.
We would like our staff, students and community to rest assured that we have implemented measures to ensure compliance with the Direction by 10 December 2021.
We trust that we can all work together respectfully to ensure the safety of our school community.