This term, the Year 9 German classes are studying early German migration to South Australia. As part of this unit of work, each class spent a day in Hahndorf in Week 4, immersing themselves in the local history. After a morning tea of traditional German cakes at Otto’s Bakery, the students worked in groups to find out more about the first German settlers who founded Hahndorf, with checkpoints including the Pioneer Memorial Gardens, the Academy museum and gallery, historical buildings along the main street, and the Heritage Walk next to Rodert’s Farm. Rodert’s Farm was the first farm established in the area, and several groups of students were invited to explore the remains of the original farm buildings, which include a red gum slab hut (which housed the cows as well as the family), a baking oven shelter and a stone cottage. Exploring these historic buildings helped the students to understand the challenges faced by the early settlers. The day also included visits to St Paul’s Church and St Michael’s Church (including the original cemetery, which features headstones engraved in German). There the students learnt more about the history of the local area and the development of the church communities. The excursions were an enjoyable way of bringing history to life.
Judy Harris
German Teacher