Diary Dates
ELC and Primary School
December | |
Friday 3 | Year 6 Graduation Dinner and Parent Function |
Monday 6 | Carols Service | Musical items from 6.45pm (guests to be seated), Carols Service begins at 7pm |
Thursday 9 | Last day of Term 4 ELC and Primary School Closing Service, 7pm in the Chapel |
Middle and Senior School
December | |
Friday 3 | Middle and Senior School Swimming Carnival |
Monday 6 | Carols Service | Musical items from 6.45pm (guests to be seated), Carols Service begins at 7pm |
Wed 8 - Thurs 9 | Year 7 Overnight Camp |
Thursday 9 | Last day of Term 4 |
Upcoming Events
Year 6 Student Graduation Dinner and Parent Function
Friday 3 December, meeting at 6.15pm in the Quad
Our Year 6 students and their parents/caregivers are invited to these special end of year events to celebrate their time at our Primary School. Families may congregate in the Quad (Concordia Campus) at 6.15pm for a photo opportunity. Students will then head upstairs to The Suaviter for their dinner, commencing at 7pm. Parents will move to Damien on Fisher, Living Choice, Fisher Street at 6.45pm. Bookings are essential. Please refer to the email sent to parents/caregivers for full details.
Concordia Carols Service - Booked Out
Monday 6 December, Musical items beginning at 6.45pm, service beginning at 7pm in the Chapel
Led by Pastor Dale Gosden and our Music students, this will be a joyous occasion. In 2021, we are delighted to have special guest Manus Noble performing with our String Ensemble. Manus is a world-class classical guitarist who recently moved to Adelaide from the UK. You can read more about Manus here. Under current COVID-19 guidelines, numbers are limited and bookings are essential. Please note this event is now booked out.
On arrival, please:
- check in with the COVID Safe QR code
- hand sanitise
- adults wear a mask when indoors
- maintain physical distancing of 1.5m at all times.
Please note: performing students are not required to book a ticket.
ELC and Primary School Closing Service
Thursday 9 December, 7pm in the Concordia College Chapel
The Closing Service formally marks the end of the year for our Primary School, and this year the Service will again operate in a reduced format, to adhere to COVID-19 guidelines. As such, we look forward to welcoming the following guests to the Chapel for this special occasion:
- Year 6 students and their parents (up to four adults per student)
- Year 5 students (one adult per student).
For more details, Year 6 parents are asked to refer to the 'end of year events' email sent to Year 6 parents/caregivers early in Term 4. Year 5 parents will receive an email about this event in the coming days.
Concordia College 'extraordinary' Gala Ball 2021
Saturday 19 March 2022 at 7pm in the William Magarey Room, Adelaide Oval
Book Your Early Bird Tickets Now
Tickets: $200 per person.
Connect with other parents on one of our community tables, or contact Angela Warrick to register as a Table Captain.
Help us today - donations of auction items (small or large) urgently needed
Proceeds from this year’s event will help fund the construction of a new gymnasium for the entire College from ELC to Year 12.
To assist with our fundraising, we are asking all families to consider contributing to the silent auction. For example, we are seeking:
- Items (small or large - carton of wine, beer, spirits, homewares, jewellery, plants, candles, clothing, books, gift baskets)
- Services (cleaning, financial, health and beauty, fitness and leisure activities, pet pampering)
- Experiences (restaurant gift vouchers, holiday homes, accommodation, movie tickets, wine tasting)
Donations can be dropped into the School Office at St John's Campus or to Reception or SSO at the Concordia Campus. For more information, please refer to the email sent to parents and caregivers on Friday 20 August.
- Helen Rice Tennis School is conducting holiday coaching clinics at Denman Tennis Club and Bellevue Heights Tennis Club for children aged 3.5 to 17 years. Click here to download a registration form for more information.
- Highgate Girl Guides are running a Girls' Wellness Activity Day for girls aged 8-12 on 12 January 2022 from 9am-3pm. Click here to download a flyer for more details.
- Royal Life Saving SA's Holiday Swim and Survive program will run in December 2021 and January 2022. Enrolments are now open. Download a flyer for more information.

Lost Property Reminder
There are many items in the Middle and Senior School Lost Property that need to be claimed. Students who have misplaced any items are asked to speak with staff at the Student Services Office (SSO).
Any items that remain in Lost Property (excluding keys and membership cards) at the end of Term 4 (Thursday 9 December) will be donated to a charity.
We ask you to please label all items. If SSO receive a named item to Lost Property, it will be returned to the student.
Helen Smith
Student Services Officer
The School Shop
General trading – no appointment required. Wearing of masks is required and physical distancing rules apply. We thank you for your patience during this time.
General purchases may also be emailed to schoolshop@concordia.sa.edu.au and The School Shop staff will contact you for payment and advise when orders are available to collect.
Opening Hours – Term Time
- Mondays: 8am – 4pm
- Wednesdays: 12.30pm – 4pm
- Thursdays: 12.30pm – 6pm
The School Shop staff can be contacted on the direct phone line during opening hours – 8291 9302.
The last day of General Opening for 2021 is Thursday 2 December.
School Holiday Opening Hours
The School Shop will be open for exchanges, top up purchases and collection of orders during Holiday Opening as below:
- Thursday 27 January: 10.00am - 6.00pm
- Friday 28 January: 9.00am - 4.00pm
- Monday 31 January: 8.00am - 4.00pm
- Tuesday 1 February: 8.00am - 4.00pm (Start Term 1)
- Wednesday 2 February: 12.30pm - 4.00pm (normal hours resume)
Second-hand Clothing
If you have uniforms you no longer need, they may be donated or sold on consignment in The School Shop.
- Blazers and winter skirts/pinafores must be dry cleaned with receipt attached.
- Jumpers must be washed using a wool wash detergent.
- All other items must be in good condition, stains removed, washed and ironed ready for sale.
- Summer hats must be hand washed.
- Any uniform items in need of repair e.g. broken zips, seams unstitched, missing buttons, etc. must be repaired prior to acceptance for sale.
- Buttons are sold in The School Shop.
Old Logo and Discontinued Styles – Uniforms with the old school logo and discontinued styles are no longer saleable in The School Shop but can be dropped off for overseas charity donation.
Old Logo
After a lengthy phase-out period, all students are expected to wear current uniform styles with the new logo by 2022. Please be aware of the differences between the old and new logos if purchasing second-hand uniforms from other College families.

Public Notices & Events
- Helen Rice Tennis School is conducting holiday coaching clinics at Denman Tennis Club and Bellevue Heights Tennis Club for children aged 3.5 to 17 years. Click here to download a registration form for more information.
- Highgate Girl Guides are running a Girls' Wellness Activity Day for girls aged 8-12 on 12 January 2022 from 9am-3pm. Click here to download a flyer for more details.
- Royal Life Saving SA's Holiday Swim and Survive program will run in December 2021 and January 2022. Enrolments are now open. Download a flyer for more information.