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Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday

Last week was the beginning of the Christian season of Lent. Lent is a 40-day time of reflection, repentance and preparation for Easter. At Concordia this week, we commemorated two events that signify that Lent has started - Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. For Shrove Tuesday, the ELC and Primary School students and staff were treated to pancakes as a reminder that, traditionally, people have had a feast day to use up the foods (e.g. eggs) they would not eat during the fasting time of Lent. The CC Café prepared hundreds of pancakes for the children and staff to enjoy.

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. As it is not possible to have Chapel indoors, we had two outdoor activities to focus on this special day. At the Middle and Senior School, Ps Dale created an Ash Wednesday Walk in the Quad. Pictures, Bible verses and other Lenten reminders were drawn and written on the pavers (in chalk). Students were able to walk past the various stations and reflect on the significance of the day, including drawing an ash cross on their foreheads in the traditional manner. Thanks to Year 10 Art students Donay and Matilda for their artwork. Meanwhile at the ELC and Primary School, we had a Primary School Chapel service on the covered courts. This was special, as it was the first time, we had been able to have a Chapel time together this year. The Lenten themes of Jesus’ sacrifice, suffering and death will be the focus of our Chapels (online or otherwise) for the remainder of the term.

Mark Rathjen