Welcome back to the commencement of Term 2, 2022. I trust that you and your family enjoyed the break from school routines over the Easter holidays and that you are now settling back into the rhythm of school life.
Term 1 was a particularly long term that incorporated a number of challenges. I know that I enjoyed the rest and the chance to refresh afforded by the break.
Term 2 is a shorter term, with only nine weeks, and I am looking forward to navigating our way through the coming weeks with our community.
At the ELC and Primary School Campus we continue to enjoy positive progress with our exciting building project. I am pleased to report that things are tracking well and we are hoping to have access to part of our newly developed ELC area in Semester 2. Other areas of the redevelopment are also tracking well. I thank you for your patience with the inconveniences associated with the building. The end result will certainly be worth the short-term interruptions we experience.
As a College we also continue to re-engage with our strategic intentions relating to teaching and learning and wellbeing. One of our current key focuses is the continuing development of teacher capacity that will have a corresponding positive impact on student learning and outcomes.
I look forward to working with you again this term, as together we seek to seek to realise our vision of ‘Inspiring and equipping hearts, hands and minds for a world of possibilities’.
Michael Paech
Principal - ELC and Primary School