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From the ELC and Primary School Principal

Giving thanks for 2022

Our 2022 school year at the ELC and Primary School campus is soon to finish. The excitement of finishing the year always brings many emotions. There is a sense of tiredness mixed with gratefulness for all that has been accomplished, uncertainty paired with excitement for changes that the new school year will bring and amazement that another year has ended.

We have watched our community change so much over the last year. We’ve welcomed many new students, met new staff and moved into our amazing new learning areas. So much has been achieved.

It has not always been easy. We have been challenged. We’ve had to rethink timeframes and adapt constantly. As a community we have shown resilience through all that 2022 has presented to us.

In Matthew 7:24-29 we read about the importance of building our lives on the firm foundation of God’s love for us, shown in Jesus, who will help us withstand whatever comes our way.

We are thankful that we have had so many wonderful things happen this year and that God’s love has been steadfast for our community.

As the year draws to a close, we farewell students who are leaving our community and wish our Year 6 graduating students all the best as they move into their Middle School years.

We farewell Mrs Andrea Gladigau from the School Office and Mrs Sue Drogemuller, Primary School Leader, and thank them for their many years of service to our community. Their significant contribution and commitment to our community has been greatly appreciated.

We wish Miss Ellen Hoopmann God’s richest blessings as she marries her fiancé, Tom, on Saturday 17 December. Next year, we will welcome her back as Mrs Ellen Hunter.

We also thank Mrs Kylie Johns (Reception) and Mrs Kate Mueller (Year 4) for completing teaching contracts in this past term.

In conclusion, I would also like to express my sincere thanks to all members of our community (students, staff, parents/carers and friends) for your contribution and support throughout 2022.

I wish you a blessed Christmas and a safe and refreshing holiday break.

Michael Paech
Principal - ELC and Primary School