Diary Dates
ELC and Primary School
December | |
Friday 9 | Year 6 Graduation Dinner and Year 6 Parent Function, 6pm |
Saturday 10 | ELC Class Connector End of Year Playdate, Mitcham Reserve (Between Old Belair Road, Norman Walk and Evans Avenue), 10.30am-12.30pm |
Monday 12 | Carols Service, 7pm in the Chapel | Book online |
Wednesday 14 | Term 4 ends, 12pm |
January | |
Friday 27 | Primary School Stationery Drop-off Day, time TBC |
Monday 30 | Term 1 2023 commences |
Middle and Senior School
December | |
Friday 9 | Year 7-10 Swimming Carnival |
Monday 12 | Carols Service, 7pm in the Chapel | Book online |
Wednesday 14 | Term 4 ends, 12pm |
January | |
Friday 20 | Year 8-11 Textbook Collection Day 1 (see times assigned to surname groups as emailed to parents/caregivers) |
Monday 23 | Year 8-11 Textbook Collection Day 2 (see times assigned to surname groups as emailed to parents/caregivers) |
Monday 30 | Term 1 2023 commences |
The School Shop
General trading – no appointment required.
- Mondays: 8am - 4pm
- Wednesdays: 12.30pm - 4pm
- Thursdays: 12.30pm - 6.15pm (new later finish time)
The last day of general opening for 2022 is Monday 12 December.
Public Holidays - Closed
School Holiday Opening Hours
The School Shop will be open for exchanges, top up purchases and collection of orders during Holiday Opening as below:
- Monday 23 January: 8.00am - 4.00pm
- Wednesday 25 January: 9.00am – 6.15pm
- Friday 27 January: 9.00am - 4.00pm
- Monday 30 January: 8.00am - 4.00pm (Start of Term 1, 2023)
- Wednesday 1 February: 12.30pm - 4.00pm (normal hours resume)
Email Orders
Email orders are also welcome and purchases may be collected from The School Shop during opening hours. Please email: and include:
- your child’s name and year level
- size
- your contact details
The School Shop staff will contact you for payment and advise when your order is available to collect.
Naming Uniforms
Iron-on garment labels are available for $3 per 10 labels. Please ensure you clearly label all uniform items with the student's surname. Position labels on the inside back neck for tops and dresses and on the inside back of the waistband for pants and skirts. If using markers for labelling, please be aware names fade during washing and will need to be checked and relabelled regularly.
The School Shop staff can be contacted on the direct phone line during opening hours – 8291 9302.
Secondhand Clothing
If you have uniforms you no longer need, they may be donated or sold on consignment in The School Shop (click to download a secondhand uniforms consignment form).
Please note:
- Blazers and winter skirts/pinafores must be dry cleaned with a receipt attached.
- Jumpers must be washed using a wool wash detergent.
- All other items must be in good condition, stains removed, washed and ironed ready for sale.
- Summer hats must be hand washed.
- Any uniform items in need of repair e.g. broken zips, seams unstitched, missing buttons, etc. must be repaired prior to acceptance for sale. Buttons are sold in The School Shop.
- Garments presented on hangers are preferred.
- Old logo and discontinued styles – uniforms with the old school logo and discontinued styles are no longer saleable in The School Shop but can be dropped off for overseas charity donation.

Public Notices & Events
- Glen Osmond Baptist Church is hosting Carols on the Oval from 5-7.30pm on Christmas Eve at the Glen Osmond Primary School Oval. There will be fun activities and festivities at 5pm followed by community Christmas carols at 6pm. Download a flyer for more information.
- Helen Rice Tennis School is running school holiday coaching clinics for children aged 3 to 17 years in January. Download a flyer for more information.
- The Rotary Club of Unley, the City of Unley and Unley Concert Band presents 'Carols at the Rotunda': Unley Soldiers Memorial Gardens, Sunday 11 December from 6pm.
- The City of Unley is currently inviting South Australian artists of all ages to create artworks on their personal connection to the City of Unley. A major prize of $5,000 is on offer to the overall winner. Visit the City of Unley's website for more information.
- VACSWIM classes are running at various locations and times in January. Visit their website for more information.
- Young Adelaide Voices, a unique South Australian Choir School, is in its 35th year and 2023 membership is now open. Download a flyer and scan the QR code to find out about their open rehearsals occurring in February 2023.