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Stations of the Cross at St Peters Campus

During Holy Week at the St Peters Campus, the students had the opportunity to reflect on and engage with the Stations of the Cross. The Stations of the Cross, also called the Way of the Cross, follow Jesus' journey to the cross, from the Last Supper to his entombment and finally, the resurrection.

Throughout Holy week, classes focused on the stations at various times throughout the day including devotion time and Christian Studies lessons. Staff used the stations of the cross for reflection in staff devotion each morning.

At each inquiry station, students were able to read about the various stages of Jesus' journey, touch symbols of each station (crown of thorns, nails, sponges), participate in Bible readings, plays and interactive displays. We even had the rooster crowing three times as Peter denied Jesus! At each station, the students were able to make connections with Jesus' experiences and think about the relevance of the sacrifice Jesus made for their own lives. When we return next week after the Easter break, we will celebrate Jesus' resurrection and the wonderful news that death has been defeated and of the new life we can have through Him!

“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.” - John 11:25

Bronwyn Wilson
Principal - St Peters Campus