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Year 11 Legal Studies Update

25 May 2023

Mr Anthony Mennillo is a Claims and Legal Advisor for the Medical Insurance Australia Group. He discussed the benefits and difficulties of being a defence barrister in a court room, presenting a High Court appeal and the challenges associated with being a legal advisor to doctors.

Mark Koolmatrie is a Tribal man of southern South Australia. Mark facilitates cultural and heritage tours walking through tranquil Australian bush environments, waterways of the Coorong and lower lakes of South Australia. His experience includes working in education and youth, men’s health, drug and alcohol counselling, lecturing at TAFE SA, coaching and broadcasting football and cultural heritage management. 

Mark is a Munkanboli or a clever person who is a man of wisdom and knowledge. Mark is an elder of the Ngarrindjeri people. 

Mark discussed: 

  • Laws that have shaped the Ngarrindjeri people
  • Implications of the Commonwealth Constitution on these peoples
  • 1937 Assimilation Policy
  • The Stolen Generation
  • the U.N. Declaration

Rick Sommariva
Legal Studies Teacher