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Student-Led Conferences

28 Sept 2023

Over the course of this term, St John’s Campus has hosted Student-Led Conferences for Reception, Year 2, Year 3, Year 5 and Year 6.

Student-Led Conferences are a unique opportunity for the children to lead the reporting process. Throughout the process the students show a greater responsibility for their own learning and demonstrate their ability to communicate their own learning. The skills developed while preparing and conducting the conference are transdisciplinary and useful for many different areas of life.

Throughout the journey, the students are:

  • engaging in the process of self-evaluation
  • demonstrating the qualities of the IB Learner Profile
  • developing organisational skills
  • developing greater self-confidence
  • involved in the selection of work to show parents and to identify points of strength as well as areas for further development

What a fabulous set of skills and processes they are refining!

Rachel Muldoon
Primary School Learning Leader - St John's Campus