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Year 11 Mt Lofty Challenge Day

28 Sept 2023

On Friday 15 September, the Year 11 students and Home Class teachers, along with several other staff members, took part in Mt Lofty Challenge Day. With sunshine and clear blue skies, we could not have asked for better weather in which to enjoy the beauty of Mt Lofty and the Piccadilly Valley.

Simulating the students’ upcoming Year 12 journey, the day began with a relatively relaxed (albeit somewhat steep) walk down to the Piccadilly Valley. Divided into teams, with each team led by two of the short-listed Student Leader candidates, the students took part in their first challenge; using only natural materials, they needed to dress one of their members for the Formal!

We then continued on our way, taking time to admire our surroundings, from the shades of the Autumn leaves, to clumps of daffodils, to adorable goats and a group of Highland cows.

We stopped for lunch and some entertaining team games at the Mt Lofty Botanic Gardens before commencing the climb up to the Summit. Comparable to the final assignments and exams that the students will face in Year 12, this part of the day was not easy, but the sense of elation and achievement that we all felt when we reached Mt Lofty Summit made the effort worthwhile.

It was great to see the students embracing the spirit of the day and joining in the activities with enthusiasm. Thank you to the Student Leader candidates for their leadership, and thank you to all staff involved in the day.

Judy Harris
Year 11 Leader