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Adelaide South East District Sports Representation

26 Oct 2023

On Tuesday 19 September, Concordia had 10 students compete for the Adelaide South East (ASE) Sapsasa District at the School Sport SA State Championships. This was the largest representation from one school in the district and our students did not disappoint, helping ASE to a third place result.

Congratulations to Liam 6MT, Elliot 4MR, Zoey 5CM and Wesley 5TB for their performance on the day.

A special mention to the following student who placed in their events.

  • Mia 6EH – 1st 100m, 1st 200m and 1st Relay
  • Paloma 6JS – 3rd 100m, 2nd 200m, 3rd Relay
  • Bax 6MT – 2nd High Jump
  • Charlie 4GW - 3rd Discus
  • Aimee 6JS – 1st Relay
  • Evie 6MT – 1st Relay

Mick Phillips
Year 3-6 PE Teacher and Sports Coordinator