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Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

Everyone has a unique experience while completing their Duke of Ed. This program offers young adults a variety of activities and options to choose from such as volunteering, physical fitness, skills development and outdoor expeditions. Each participant can select activities that align with their personal interests, strengths and goals. Students can gain 10 SACE credits for completing their Bronze Award. You can commence the Award any time from the age of 14. Students who complete the Award at Concordia consistently speak about its value on their resume when they begin the process of applying for part-time jobs.

We congratulate the following students who have recently achieved their Bronze Duke of Ed Award. We expect several more students to complete their Award in the coming weeks.

  • Lily 11RBEN
  • Bethany 10RSOM
  • Lincoln 10COHA

Please email me if you would like to learn more about the Duke of Ed.

Emma Rieger
Enrichment and Extended Learning