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You are invited to Launchpad 2023

Come and celebrate student learning in our Middle and Senior School

All are welcome to come and celebrate student learning and creativity across our Middle and Senior School at our Launchpad 2023 event.

  • Date: Thursday 16 November
  • Time: 5-7pm
  • Location: Fortiter (Gymnasium)

Work will be on display from a wide range of curriculum areas, including:

  • creative gingerbreads from Food Design
  • Music performances
  • Finished furniture pieces from Stage 2 Design, Technology and Engineering
  • Year 12 SACE Art and Creative Arts Exhibition along with student work from Year 7-11
  • The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Program display of amazing student work
  • Media and Photography exhibition
  • Exploring and Activating Identities and Futures exhibition
  • Drone flying by the STEM Club
  • Plus work from students in Languages, Humanities, Christian Studies, Science displays and demonstrations and more.

Download a map of the venue here or via the QR code below to locate each of the exhibitors.

We hope to see you there!