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Enrichment and Extension News

Tour of the University of Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences Building

Last week seven students attended a morning tea event hosted by Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham to promote ovarian cancer awareness month. Students listened to guest speakers and had the opportunity to tour the state-of-the-art University of Adelaide Health and Medical Science facilities. It was concerning to learn that the average five-year survival rate for ovarian cancer patients is 49%, compared with 92% for breast cancer and 74% for cervical cancer. Students were able to learn more about important advances in medical science to diagnose and treat ovarian cancer. It was a wonderful learning experience for all.

CARE @ CC (Community of Advocates for Respect and Empathy)

CARE @ CC is a new extra-curricular lunch time group to connect like-minded students (Years 10–12) who are interested in pursuing a career in medical-related fields. The main goal of the group is to expose students to the “stories” of health. The idea is that by listening to people telling their story, students will gain greater empathy and respect as future medical professionals. At our first lunchtime meeting, we listened to a retired GP with 45 years’ experience, who shared anecdotes and wisdom from a life of caring. Students had a chance to ask lots of questions and hear some incredible stories.

Do you work in a health-related field – medicine/nursing/paramedicine/health research? Would you be willing to come and share your experiences during a lunchtime session sometime in the future? We would love to have you visit. Please contact Emma Rieger to register your interest in being involved.

Upcoming Opportunities

  • Youth Environment Council (YEP) applications close soon. See for details.
  • Teen Parliament: In 2023, one of our Year 12 students won a $10,000 scholarship through her participation in this competition. Read more about the competition on Adelaide Now.
  • Youth Parliament: The YMCA South Australia Youth Parliament is a non-partisan program designed to offer individuals aged 15-25 years old a platform to express their perspectives on significant matters. It aims to foster the development of leadership skills, enhance parliamentary comprehension and deepen understanding of democracy. Applications close on Sunday 17 March 2024. Visit the YMCA website for more information.

Emma Rieger
Enrichment and Extended Learning