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National Reconciliation Week at Concordia

It was our privilege last week to stand with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia to say, “Now More Than Ever” we continue our commitment to achieving reconciliation across the land.

The ELC at St John’s Campus celebrated Reconciliation Week with various activities within the Centre. The four-year-old rooms also took a walk to Fullarton Park to learn about the beautiful Aboriginal totem poles and explore nature. This provided a wonderful opportunity to introduce young children to the rich cultures and histories of Australia's First Nations peoples, fostering a sense of inclusivity and respect from an early age.

Our Primary School students explored this year’s theme and discussed their class commitment in taking action towards reconciliation. At the St John’s Campus, students acknowledged National Reconciliation Week at Assembly and Year 5MP led a beautiful Chapel service highlighting connections between reconciliation in Australia and Jesus’ reconciling us to God through his death and resurrection.

A particular highlight was our new original artwork “The Meeting Place” designed and created by Concordia College students from three campuses with Kaurna artist Sam Gollan. At the centre, the meeting place depicts students and teachers seated in a circle, learning from each other. The lines leading into the meeting place symbolise the support from family, community and others.

Concordia College's commitment to reconciliation extends beyond our Acknowledgment of Country, history and cultures, to actively promoting understanding, respect and equity for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Nancy Wells
Reconciliation Action Plan Coordinator

Sarah Neill
Early Learning Centre Coordinator - St John's Campus