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Reception Excursion to Glenthorne National Park

6 June 2024

The Reception classes from St Peters Campus and St John’s Campus recently enjoyed a wonderful outdoor day together. This formed part of our learning about special places and the ways in which we can care for them. It also formed part of our learning about storytelling and the special significance of the land to Aboriginal people. 

Our excursion to Ityamaiitpinna Yarta - Glenthorne National Park Adventure Playground was filled with excitement and learning. Working with Nature Play SA for the day proved to be lots of fun and our students had opportunities to build cubbies, to investigate macro invertebrates, and to observe features of the local environment and record them in water paintings. The playground equipment provided a safe element of risk, and our students had a fabulous time trying new things, collaborating, climbing, swinging, crawling, jumping, laughing and storytelling. We had so much fun that we think that we should go back again!

Jen Schultz, Megan Fyffe, Laura Benger and Melissa Robson
Reception Teachers