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State Secondary School Constitutional Convention 2024

26 Sept 2024

Year 11 students Oscar and Jack were invited to attend the State Secondary School Constitutional Convention. The day started with a student activity which gave the opportunity to interact with students from other schools to discuss and debate the Australian Constitution, specifically: 'A new preamble for the Australian Constitution?'

There was a diverse range of Legal Studies students involved, which allowed for differing perspectives from the young people of Adelaide on the Constitution, and some improvements that could be made.

The proceedings of the day included guest speakers. First was Natalie Badcock, Community Education & Engagement Manager, Parliament of SA. Then students heard about The Australian Constitution and our History of Change from Dr Joe McIntrye, University of South Australia, as well as Different models of Constitutional Change. All speakers have worked extensively in constitutional law, making for very informative talks that helped influence debate.

The 2024 South Australian Constitution Convention was an enjoyable experience held in Parliament House. An interesting highlight of the day was the question time was. The students had the opportunity to ask questions regarding the topic of the day or questions about what it’s like to be a Member of Parliament.

The debate section of the Constitutional Convention was what everyone was looking forward to all day. Students gathered in the House of Assembly and sat according to their views on the issue. It was interesting to see people from all different backgrounds, schools and areas sharing their opinions and reasoning on the same issue. It also gave students an insider’s perspective on the processes used to make changes to our constitution.

Rick Sommariva
Legal Studies Teacher

"We listened to an opening address by Dr. Joe McIntyre, associate Professor of Law at the University of Adelaide. We were given opportunities to talk about a variety of topics in groups, and debate in the house from the seats used by the Members of Parliament. Overall, the day was quite interesting and unique."

Oscar 11RGOG

"We met new people from other schools and learned new information about the Constitution. At the end of the day, I was able to argue on the affirmative side on the topic of, “should the preamble to the Constitution be changed?” I am thankful for the opportunity and would attend next year if possible."

Jack 11RGOG