This week and next, Concordia College is supporting Lutheran Care's Christmas Hamper Appeal again this year, with the 12 Days of Giving.
Families are asked to donate as they are able from the list of much-needed items below.
- Day 1: Cans of tinned fruit
- Day 2: Cups/packs of instant noodles
- Day 3: Packs of pasta
- Day 4: Jars of pasta sauce
- Day 5: Cans of protein
- Day 6: Hot drink items
- Day 7: Boxes of cereal
- Day 8: Cans of spaghetti and baked beans
- Day 9: Hygiene products
- Day 10: Sweet treats
- Day 11: Spreads
- Day 12: Long-life milk
Items can be brought to students' Home Classrooms.
We ask families to consider how they might be able to support this worthy cause and make Christmas a little brighter for those in need.
Thank you!
Mark Rathjen
College Chaplain