The past couple of weeks have been very busy for our Music students, due to visits from some talented people who ran masterclasses and workshops.
On Thursday 20 February, our Year 12 Music Solo String students worked with Alison Heike, Principal Violin 2 from the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, on their upcoming SACE repertoire. On Thursday 27 February, the Year 12 Music Solo Vocal students had the privilege of workshopping their repertoire with Terese LaRocca, in preparation for their first assessment of the year.
Our Big Band 1 spent the morning of Friday 21 February working with renowned jazz educator Peter Foley. He gave them some valuable tips to improve their ensemble sound and polish their charts for Generations in Jazz. Big Band 2 and some of our Year 8s were also lucky enough to hear him in action.
To round off some amazing experiences, a group of students involved in this year’s Musical production had a visit from Miriam Voortman – singer, speech pathologist and past student. She discussed vocal health and shared some invaluable methods students can use to look after their voice in the lead up to our school musical Mamma Mia.
Thank you to all our visitors for taking the time to share your expertise with our students!
Lee Pfitzner
Music Coordinator
Kellie Rich
Head of Music Performance ELC-12