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Year 7 Home Class Tunnel Ball Challenge

The Year 7 Home Class Tunnel Ball Challenge kicked off with an energetic start on Friday of Week 4. Firstly, about 150 students did their best to ‘warm up’ on the oval to the Taylor Swift song, ‘Cruel Sumer’, led by Home Class teacher Sophia Chen. This dance activity was then followed with enthusiastic cheering as our Pastoral Care leader, Rachel Hogan, ran around the cohort as part of a teacher-led refresher demonstration on the ‘how to’ rules.

The competition between Home Classes was fierce, with much loud encouragement from students for their classmates. Some groups demonstrated effective strategies on how to keep their members in straight lines so their ball could shoot its way down from the front of the line to the end with minimum amount of disruption. Instructions such as: ‘Quick, Congo line’, and students putting their hands on the shoulders of the student in front of them while they all took a quick, straight step back was impressive (7KSPA) - and soon copied by others.

In the end, the first class to finish the challenge was Ms Chen’s Home Class, 7SCHE. Congratulations to all students who took part in this fun challenge so well!

Kellie Spargo
Year 7 Home Class Teacher