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St Peters Campus Bible Presentation in Chapel

On Thursday 13 March, during Chapel, we celebrated a special milestone as our Reception students, Year 4s and new students to our campus received their very own Bibles—a precious gift from the St Peters Lutheran Church congregation.

As the children received their Bibles, they immediately opened them, eager to explore the stories inside, read the words and look at the pictures. It was wonderful to see their excitement and curiosity as they engaged with this special gift.

We pray that as the children open these pages, they embark on a lifelong journey of faith and wonder, discovering the incredible story of God’s love for them. May these stories shape their hearts, guide their steps and fill their lives with hope.

We are grateful to our church community for their generosity and prayers, which continue to strengthen the bond between church, College and the families we serve.

Bronwyn Wilson
Principal - St Peters Campus