Food Design
Concordia has an outstanding reputation for our Food Design teaching and facilities, with our students regularly being awarded SACE Merits for their achievements. Starting with Food Design in Year 7, students develop their knowledge in nutrition, sustainability, food culture and their practical cooking skills. Specialist teaching staff encourage students to develop their culinary skills, creativity and professional standards; our SACE Food and Hospitality students often cater for Old Concordian and other school functions, providing authentic learning experiences in food design, preparation and service.

Physical Education
Our Physical Education (PE) Faculty consists of 10 specialist teachers working with students across all years. Students of all abilities are encouraged to participate in at least one sport in addition to regular Physical Education lessons. Students can study PE within the SACE curriculum, exploring theoretical principles and the impact of them on their physical capacities. Our students regularly represent their State and Australia while Old Concordians include professional players, Olympians and others who have gone on to associated careers such as physiotherapists.

Our students have many opportunities from Reception onward to explore the role of media in modern life and produce their own examples. From Year 10, students can elect to study Media as a subject, exploring documentary making, television production and more. We offer SACE Media and Photography subjects in Years 11 and 12. Our students have access to high definition equipment and industry-standard editing software in the Concordia Media Studio, a professional television production facility that allows students to refine their craft across a wide range of projects.