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Developing leadership skills for the future

6 Apr 2023

During Term 1, four Senior School students took part in events designed to give young leaders a voice and an opportunity to develop key leadership skills whether at a statewide or national level. 

Teen Parliament

Lily (Year 11) and Juliana (Year 12) both represented the College at The Advertiser's Teen Parliament held in the House of Assembly under the guidance of Speaker Dan Cregan. The students involved from across the state had an opportunity to present their ideas for a bigger and better South Australia as well as to formally respond to the ideas presented by their peers from other schools in a Parliamentary-style forum.

Juliana highlighted the need for greater financial education in schools and Lily petitioned for the introduction of more digital skills as part of the curriculum.

Six students were selected to receive scholarships towards their future studies and Juliana was delighted to receive one of these at an event attended by our Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, South Australian Premier, Peter Malinauskas, the Governor of South Australia, Frances Adamson, and many other politicians and leaders in our state.

National Schools Constitutional Convention

Travelling to Old Parliament House in Canberra, Year 12 students Lily and Alicia were selected as part of a 115-strong student group from across Australia, who gathered for the 28th National Schools Constitutional Convention.

The topic for investigation, discussion and debate was “is section 128 still a necessary requirement to change such an important document as the Australian Constitution?” During the Convention, the students heard lectures from keynote speakers, engaged in discussion groups and soap box sessions, and shared their opinions on the topic. They also attended question time and met with our local Members of Parliament, Ms Rebecca Sharkie MP and Ms Louise Miller-Frost MP.

An official reception at Government House saw Lily and Alicia meeting His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley and his wife Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley as well as touring the High Court of Australia prior.

Finally, a mock referendum was held on the proposed law “to enable amendments to be made to the Constitution if approved by a majority of voters”.

On their return, Lily and Alicia summarised the Convention in the following way:

"Overall, it was an incredible experience where we were not only able to learn about section 128 of the founding document of our nation, our Constitution, but also were able to meet like-minded people and have incredible conversations, making lifelong friendships."

We are proud of our students for their involvement in both events, which provided extraordinary opportunities to develop as leaders.